Inspire meets to offer the opportunity for folk with various abilities or challenges in life a place to socialise with other people.
Inspire is open to all, irrespective of age, ability, gender, religion or nationality, embracing everyone through a variety of fun activities. Board games, bingo, drawing, table tennis, carpet bowls and basketball are just a few of our optional activities. Each Tuesday we enjoy a lovely meal for the small price of $5.00. Where participants need assistance, we ask they bring their own support person.
On average we have 50 to 60 people attend sometime throughout the day, with ages ranging from 20 to 70 years. We are very grateful for our cooks who provide a hearty lunch each week. From time to time, participants may contribute to the food preparation, cooking and serving, learning new skills.
On Friday evening once a month we have a community dinner ($5.00) with a theme for the evening, disco, karaoke, etc.