Venture Of Love
Venture of Love (VOL) was formed in 2001 by a group of dedicated volunteers who were keen to help those in need, mostly children, by sewing and knitting clothes for distribution both locally and overseas.
Each Thursday during school terms VOL meets in Room 403 where our ladies cut, sew and pack a variety of garments, including shorts, t-shirts, long pants, track suits, and pyjamas. Our group also makes blankets and quilts, along with knitted rugs, jumpers, beanies and scarves.
As well as sewing clothing, VOL members create an assortment of ‘fillers’ for the Operation Christmas Child boxes, consisting of: beanies, shorts and t-shirts, knitted toys, marble bags, face-washers, pencil cases, carry bags and backpacks.
Tiny baby tops and knitted hats for premature babies are made and donated to the Adelaide Women’s and Children’s Hospital, with Genesis Pregnancy Support receiving baby’s and toddler’s clothing, as well as blankets.
VOL is grateful for the support it has received over many years - donations of fabric, thread, yarn, and monetary gifts have allowed us to send thousands of garments to over 30 countries, as well as to assist the needy within our local community.