Hover over a program/ministry for more details
We believe that prayer is a fundamental discipline for us as believers. It is how we communicate with our Lord in our praise, petition, and supplication. We pray to minister and we pray as ministers. If you would like to join our prayer team, we would love to hear from you.
Do you have the heart and passion to serve Christ through artistic expressions of worship? We have a variety of creative expressions that you can get involved with. Creative Ministries is always looking for people to serve in vocals, instruments, lighting, sound, computer, web support, drama, and many more. If you want to get involved, we would love to hear from you!
The Women’s Ministry at EBC exists to meet the need for friendship, laughter, support, encouragement, exhortation, service, and spiritual growth. The core of our women’s ministry is sharing God’s love and doing what He commands (John 13:34-35).
Our desire is to encourage Men of every generation to grow in their relationships with one another and with God. We’d love for you to join us at one of our quarterly men’s breakfasts or one of our monthly men’s fellowship and ministry nights. Together we can build new friendships, support one another, grow, and learn to become more like Christ and be equipped to give more effective leadership to our own lives, marriages and families
We believe that prayer is a fundamental discipline for us as believers. It is how we communicate with our Lord in our praise, petition, and supplication. We pray to minister and we pray as ministers. If you would like to join our prayer team, we would love to hear from you.
The Welcoming and Coffee Ministry teams are to ensure visitors and church attendees receive a friendly and authentic experience that fosters a welcoming community. The doors are always welcome to join the team. If you want to join the Hospitality team we would love to get connected with you.
We believe that prayer is a fundamental discipline for us as believers. It is how we communicate with our Lord in our praise, petition, and supplication. We pray to minister and we pray as ministers. If you would like to join our prayer team, we would love to hear from you.
We believe that prayer is a fundamental discipline for us as believers. It is how we communicate with our Lord in our praise, petition, and supplication. We pray to minister and we pray as ministers. If you would like to join our prayer team, we would love to hear from you.
Open to all who are on the younger end of adulthood, EBC YAs exists to help young people connect with God, each other, themselves and the world. We meet at varied times throughout the years for encouragement, scripture, prayer and community.
We believe that prayer is a fundamental discipline for us as believers. It is how we communicate with our Lord in our praise, petition, and supplication. We pray to minister and we pray as ministers. If you would like to join our prayer team, we would love to hear from you.
We believe that prayer is a fundamental discipline for us as believers. It is how we communicate with our Lord in our praise, petition, and supplication. We pray to minister and we pray as ministers. If you would like to join our prayer team, we would love to hear from you.
iYouth is a community for all those in high school to come along, find friends and discover the person of Jesus and how He might IMPACT our lives.
We've got amazing leaders ready to chat and running our Friday nights. These nights consist of fun events, word & worship nights and small groups.
Our main flow for the year is based around COMMUNITY, GOSPEL, FAITH and ACTION.
COMMUNITY are nights focused on games and fun activities that are intended to build communities.
GOSPEL consist of WORSHIP & WORD at Night.
We believe that prayer is a fundamental discipline for us as believers. It is how we communicate with our Lord in our praise, petition, and supplication. We pray to minister and we pray as ministers. If you would like to join our prayer team, we would love to hear from you.
We believe that prayer is a fundamental discipline for us as believers. It is how we communicate with our Lord in our praise, petition, and supplication. We pray to minister and we pray as ministers. If you would like to join our prayer team, we would love to hear from you.
Through GrowKids we lead kids to GROW wonder, KNOW Jesus and SHOW His love to all people. Our Sunday morning ministry provides age-appropriate activities and teaching.
Seeds: under 3 yrs // Buds: Foundation to Yr 2 // Sprouts: 3-5 yrs // Trees: kids in Yr 3-6.
There are opportunities to invest into next gen lives through GrowKids, the welcome team and other activities including: Playgroup, baby baskets and event set-up, pack down & prep.
We believe that prayer is a fundamental discipline for us as believers. It is how we communicate with our Lord in our praise, petition, and supplication. We pray to minister and we pray as ministers. If you would like to join our prayer team, we would love to hear from you.