These are exciting times at EBC.
We have much to celebrate in what God is doing. He is re-shaping us as we seek to follow in the footsteps of Jesus –
embodying Christ’s presence and…
sharing in Christ’s work.
Our posture of leadership is to see where we believe God is at work and follow Him. This is what we call “Opportunity Leadership”, as each of these initiatives has presented themselves to us. Each of these invite us to grow and participate in the mission of God in our community and beyond.
There are 3 key initiatives that the Elders are proposing that need your prayers... and we share these with you knowing that you will pray along with us to know God’s next steps in these exciting times.
We are invited to re-imagine and re-birth a new expression of church at Camden, pending members approval. Camden Baptist Church, as it currently exists, will be closing at the end of this year, and we have been in consultation with Camden BC, BCSA (state denomination) and key EBC leadership for about 4 months now. It will involve a good faith effort on all parts, as well as administrative and operations support to make a successful “re-planting” of CBC. The goal is a multi-stage process as outlined in Addendum 1. The proposed name is “EBC Camden”. It will function as a northern campus of EBC until (we pray) it becomes an autonomous church in its own right, replanted by EBC.

The Elders have decided that it is time to put the Edwardstown Baptist Church name change conversation to a vote. The Elders are unanimous in supporting the name “Embrace Baptist Church” – (EBC). Please see addendum 2 for more info, including the rationale for this. This conversation, in part, has been re-fueled due to the opportunity being presented to re-imagine a new EBC work in Camden Park.

The Elders are supportive of pursuing the adoption of the Mandarin Chinese Church (MCC) that has been meeting at EBC on Sunday mornings for about 8 months now. The goal is that the MCC church integrate fully with EBC as a part of the EBC church family. The proposal will see Pastor Samuel Chan be adopted as a pastor of EBC, continuing in his role, ministering specifically to the MCC, and continuing God’s work in reaching the Mandarin speakers in our community.

For all these initiatives, we invite you to a Q & A town hall conversation on Oct 20th, 12.30 – 2 pm. This gives us enough time to think and pray before calling a special member’s meeting during November, with a view to voting on the proposals.
And please…. Use this information as a guide to praying about Gods leadership for us as we engage with these invitations. Pray for wisdom, discernment, courage and vision.
Mat 7.7 “Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.” (CEB)
Addendum 1: Vision: A re-planting and re-birthing of Camden Baptist Church
Camden Baptist Church, situated in the south-western suburbs of Adelaide, has long been a vibrant community that has faithfully served and connected with the local area, sharing God’s word. As the congregation reaches a pivotal moment, with their pastor retiring and the community seeking new direction, they have expressed a desire to pass the torch. EBC, located in St Marys, has embraced this call and will take on the stewardship of Camden Baptist Church, with the intention of establishing a refreshed expression of church community.
Our goal is to embody Christ’s presence in our community and continue Christ’s work here in our part of Adelaide. We believe that God is inviting us to participate with him in re-imagining this ministry and mission into Camden.
EBC Steps: Identify Leadership team - Name change – Approval through members meeting
CBC steps: Affirm through member’s motion
With a newly identified leadership team, the next step will be to actively engage with the local community and council. This involves seeking vision casting, seeking approval to establish a re-birthed church community that will serve and potentially integrate with local services, such as the schools and childcare facilities across the road. Consideration will be given in updating the facilities with potential extensions to expand the site. The goal is to accommodate the anticipated growth and enhancing the ability to serve the community.
Steps: Engage with local council – Explore possible building and site extensions – Plan future for pomegranate place (Op-shop)- Engage with Western church communities
In this phase, we will pursue changes by setting goals and strategies aligned with core values and vision. To ensure the successful re-establishment of a new expression of church, EBC will form a change-maker team dedicated to supporting and managing the practical aspects of this process. This team will be instrumental in guiding the community through this period of growth and transformation.
Steps: Consistent Vision casting to stake holders – Explore possible building and site extensions – Plan future for pomegranate place (Op-shop)- Engage with Western church communities
PHASE 4 – launch & celebration
BIRTHING OF EBC CAMDEN, Re-Imagined and rebirthed CHURCH
The final phase is the official launch of the new church (EBC Camden), marking a significant milestone in our journey. This will be a time to celebrate the ongoing blessings of God's faithfulness to EBC and CBC and to acknowledge the new opportunities we have been gifted. This launch event will serve as a welcoming moment for the local community to join us in this new chapter.
Steps: Plan Celebration – Commit Church to God – Other…
PHASE 5 – Release & support
RELEASE OF EBC CAMDEN, an independent, autonomous CHURCH
This phase sees EBC Camden launched as an independent, autonomous church with its owl leadership, identity and structure. It is imagined that this phase could take 3-5 years, but will be actioned according to how things are developing in the growth of this re-imagined work.
EBC/CBC Timelines:
August-October-Finalising process and details, communicating with both churches
October/November-Church meetings and vote at Camden (if needed) to formalise agreed process of winding up in current form and/or handing over leadership and governance responsibility to EBC. Church meeting and vote at EBC (November) to approve revitalisation process.
December-Celebrating all God has done, and celebrating Tricia’s ministry as pastor of Camden, and concluding the current season of ministry at Camden (December)
January-approx. May-July- Preparation and implementation process to prepare for new ministry at Camden. This is likely to include
-building renovation works
-reimagining ministry and mission
-raising up a team who choose to leave EBC and attend at Camden, including key pastoral leadership
*During this time, EBC will actively support the members of Camden, with an intent to provide a regular bible study to enable the Camden members to continue fellowship together, as well as supporting them with regard to Sunday worship choices.
May-July-Launch of new ministry and Sunday services at Camden.
As health and timing allow – growth and relaunch of a reimagined church
1. Will Camden Baptist Church keep its name? No, the church will be given a new name. This will be thoughtfully considered during the transition period from January to June 2025.
2. Will the relationship between Camden Baptist Church (CBC) and EBC require changes to the CBC Constitution? Yes, but the details are yet to be confirmed. It is likely that Camden Baptist Church Inc. will conclude, and the church will become part of EBC, falling under its governance structure.
3. Will there still be a Leadership Team at Camden Baptist? No, but a new leadership team will be appointed by EBC during the transition period, with fresh vision and support to the ongoing church community.
4. Who will oversee the spiritual direction of the church? Once the handover happens, the vision, mission, and future direction of the church will be guided by EBC. This will be shaped in line with a strategic mission that suits the local community and will be established by the Leadership Team and Eldership Council of EBC, with the approval of EBC members.
5. What will happen to Pastor Tricia? Pastor Tricia will be honoured and celebrated for her dedicated service! In December, she will step down from her role as Senior Pastor of Camden Baptist Church.
6. Will Sunday Services stay the same? Yes and no! The warm and welcoming atmosphere will remain, with God and Christ at the centre of worship. However, we do expect some changes in how services are conducted moving forward.
7. What will happen to the offerings and missionary support, including support for the Haydon family? This is still to be decided, but it is likely that during the transition period, CBC members will be encouraged to continue their giving. This will ensure existing cross-cultural mission commitments are upheld. In terms of the Haydon family, EBC is committed to continuing both the financial and relational support, and this will be further discussed with the family.
8. What about the property, buildings, and maintenance at Camden? The property title deeds are held in trust by BCSANT, and this will remain the case. EBC will take responsibility for the property’s upkeep, including maintenance and insurance, once the current ministry concludes. During the transition period, EBC will seek ways to keep the building in use and look into possible renovations. We are also considering ways to keep Pomegranate Place running during the transition, as long as feasible.
9. Is the partnership between EBC and CBC supported by BCSANT? Yes, BCSANT has been supportive throughout this process, particularly through the work of Rev. Mark Sanders. They are very much in favour of continuing ministry at Camden, and EBC plans to apply to BCSANT for financial support to help during the transition and rebirth of the church.
10. What will happen to Pomegranate Place?
During the transition period, Pastor Tricia will maintain her role as coordinator for Pomegranate Place until there is a clear vision regarding how and what the future of the op-shop & café will look like. It is EBC’s desire to continue outreach within the community, both in St. Mary’s and Camden.
11. When, where and how will the congregation meet during the transition period?
The congregation will be free to meet in the church building in the café space on a Sunday. EBC still needs to explore how they can support this. It won’t be running a full service with worship, but they are keen to consider how they support the current Camden faith community in this time.
12. Why is there going to be a transition period?
EBC is simply not ready to start overseeing the new ministry and mission at Camden. There still needs to be a team formed, a pastor employed, and the vision for new ministry and mission to be explored. Also, possible building upgrades will be explored.
13. What will happen to the building during the transition period?
Pomegranate place, café and op shop will continue if there is leadership and volunteers to continue this work. The congregation will still be meeting so the building will be well used. Pastor Tricia will maintain her role as coordinator for Pomegranate Place until there is a clear vision regarding how and what the future of the op-shop & café will look like.
14. Do the core beliefs of EBC align with Camden?
Yes, the core beliefs of EBC are provided at the end of this document ( *when EBC leaders share with the CBC congregation it will be important that the journey around the issue of women Elders at EBC can be explained).
Addendum 2 – Changing our name to… Embrace Baptist Church (EBC) – A proposal
We thank God for the history that our church carries as Edwardstown Baptist Church. Looking forward, the Elders believe that it is time that we be known not so much for the suburb we used to gather in, but rather the posture we carry in our hearts and in our actions.
Additionally, many will be aware that about 3-4 years ago we conducted a church wide conversation about the members appetite for a name change. The result of these conversations recognized and supported the need for a name change almost unanimously.
It is in this spirit that the following rationale is presented to support a change to the name of Embrace Baptist Church. (EBC)
EBC exists… to embody Christ’s presence – and to continue Christ’s work.
Luke 4.18-19, in announcing his public ministry, Jesus said:
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the POOR, He has sent me to proclaim release to the CAPTIVES, and recovery of sight to the BLIND, to set free those who are OPPRESSED, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
Jesus is fulfilling the words spoken by Isaiah (chaps 61, 58) as the day of the Lord’s visitation upon the earth is experienced. As the body of Christ (1 Cor 12.27), we are called to continue this work on behalf of those who are lost, broken, blind and captive. “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick”. (Luke 5.31)
In short – we are called to Embrace and heal brokenness, wherever we find it. We do this in the name and power of Jesus Christ. As we look into the heart of God, the scripture, and the needs of our specific community, we see EBC as an active community of faith, where (through Jesus) broken, wounded, and hurting people are welcomed, connected, healed and empowered. This will be gospel in action. In short, we are called to Embrace our community.
Embrace: (dictionary): “An act of holding (someone) closely in your arms. To accept, willingly and enthusiastically.”
We are Embraced by God. No matter who we are, no matter where our journey has taken us, the Father always (as in the prodigal Father) runs towards us, meets us where we are, and takes us in His arms when we run to Him. The work of Jesus has made this clear.
We Embrace God. In our darkest moments, in our joyful spaces, we Embrace His presence, His truth, His companionship. It’s what grants us stability in the tumult of our lives. It is our expression of faith, moving towards Him, as He has already moved towards us.
We Embrace our community – the wounded, the stranger, the sick, the blind, the lost, the rebel, the rich, the poor… we embrace them in the name of Jesus, sharing the love of God, as he has loved us.
We Embrace Scripture, as instructive in our life and ministry in the church
We Embrace our identity... the one given to us by God, as image bearers, as sinners, and as sons and daughters of God - who are rescued, who are adopted, and now a part of the world-wide family of faith in Christ.
We Embrace our future – a future that is directed and governed by His movement and his grace.
We Embrace our suffering as a necessary part of God’s plan to refine us and re-create the world.
We Embrace each other – knowing that loving and caring for one another is a part of our journey with Christ.
We are Embraced by the work of Christ – Christ’s completed work – his teachings, death, resurrection and exaltation are effective and transformative for all those who place their faith in Him.
Embrace describes our posture before God, before each other, and before our community. We are a church that believes in the value of all humans, inspired by the beauty and truth of God as He is revealed in Jesus Christ.
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