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Eine EBC-Gemeinschaft junger Menschen, die gemeinsam ihren NÄCHSTEN Schritt in Richtung Jesus gehen
Scrollen Sie nach unten, um den Zeitplan unseres Semesters zu sehen, oder sehen Sie sich unser Instagram an
iYouth is a community for all those in high school to come along, find friends and discover the person of Jesus and how He might IMPACT our lives.
We've got amazing leaders ready to chat and running our Friday nights. These nights consist of fun events, word & worship nights and small groups.
Our main flow for the year is based around COMMUNITY, GOSPEL, FAITH and ACTION.
COMMUNITY are nights focused on games and fun activities that are intended to build communities.
GOSPEL consist of WORSHIP & WORD at Night.
We gather Fridays 7-9:30pm during school terms
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